A public notification system (OMS) forwards notifications; from the fire detection system in a building (BMI), to the emergency room of the local firefighting department (RAC).
That notification is obligatory for high-risk locations (type-1/DM1 and type-2/DM2). In many cases, this is dictated by building rules and regulations.
Availability and reliability
Alert transmission for high-risk locations is subject to very high standards. For example, the alert transmission must not use the unsafe open internet, as that would create the risk of cybercrime. This situation requires closed and safely separated connections, as laid down in the fire alert transmission standard according to NEN-EN 54-21 and NEN-NEN 50136. All statistical information is reported automatically and provides an insight into the performance of the alert transmission system (Verification of Performance, VoP) at any given time.
How does safe alert transmission work?
To guarantee the availability, and to counter sabotage, the alert transmission is done through two separate methods. This is called redundancy of connections, and it can be done through:
Although the internet connections in the Netherlands are usually very stable, an alert transmission cannot take place in the case of a power failure or sabotage. In that case, a second back-up connection is needed. Sabotage may consist of cutting connection cables. The signals of wireless connections may be jammed, and can be attacked with DDoS attacks by cybercriminals.
What, if one of these connections does not function??
Both transmission methods are tested and checked continuously. If one of the connections does not work, the system automatically switches over to the second connection, and both the control centre and the network management centre at ASB are notified. If a connrction fails,, or within 20 seconds after detection, an alert transmission with data transfer must take place.
After the notification, one or more contacts (key keepers: telephone list and/or security service) are activated, and messages are sent automatically (voice, SMS, e-mail etc.). Quality standards and protocol demand that, after that, a verification is done.
Only verified alerts may be sent to the police, after which emergency services can be put into action.
Why choose an ASB OMS service?
More information on OMS service?
Contact the experts at ASB. We will gladly tell you all about our voluntary and mandatory safe OMS services.